History KTKK "K-Talk" Radio Shows on Mad Cow Disease, BSE, TSE,  CWD, CJD

History: Sunday Feb 11 and Saturday Feb 18:

Sunday Feb 11 2001 The show  was excellent (and may be available on tape - at least in part):

*Dr Michael Hansen of Consumers Union / Consumers Reports did a telephone link with us last Sunday. Dr Hansen is a specialist in Mad Cow-BSE / TSE and CJD. You could have seen Dr Hansen last Sunday earlier in morning at  9-10am EST on C-Span on their program: Washington Journal.

*Mel Steiger of Salt Lake City was live with us in the studio. Mel lost his wife to CJD, so he knows the disease first hand, has acted vigorously for its serious research and management  and has been interviewed on local and national TV news and news specials several times (again just this past week by KSLTV Ch 5, 31 Jan). He is an astute scientist in airspace, but has brought his analytical and political skills to bear in this other science of detecting, exposing, reporting then working to establish correct governmental management of this now world extending, critical biological challenge to human health and life.

Saturday Feb 18 2001, Last Weekend:
On last Saturday's show, we had Sheldon Rampton co-author with John Stauber, of their book, "Mad Cow USA *- Could the Nightmare Happen Here?"  Their book was one of the publications presented and articulated by Pure Ronnie Cummings at our Weber State Conference program.  Sheldon was on a phone link to Saturday's (Feb 18) Show and did disclose much of their research and findings leading up to their publication.
    The world is smaller than you think - and so is your protection from the "Prion!"
    Do you think you are risk-free in the USA?  You could literally "loose your mind" trusting in a bureaucracy to keep you safe!
    The book will shortly be made available through direct internet down load and print out.

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